The directors are responsible for the maintenance of adequate accounting records and the preparation and integrity of the annual
financial statements included in this Annual Report.
The annual financial statements are prepared, in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFR S) and the
requirements of the South African Companies Act, on the going concern basis and incorporate full and responsible disclosure. The
annual financial statements are based upon appropriate accounting policies and supported by reasonable and prudent judgements
and estimates.
The directors are satisfied that the information contained in the financial statements fairly represents the results of operations for
the year and the financial position of the Group at year-end. The accuracy of the other information included in the Annual Report
was considered by the directors and they are satisfied that it accords with the financial statements.
The directors are also responsible for the Company’s system of internal financial controls. The system was developed to provide
reasonable, but not absolute, assurance regarding the reliability of the financial statements, the safeguarding of assets, and to
prevent and detect misrepresentation and losses.
The directors are of the opinion that the Group will continue as a going concern in the future.
The financial statements were audited by independent auditors, PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc., to whom unrestricted access was
given to all financial records and related information. The directors are further of the opinion that all statements that were made
to the auditors during the course of the audit were valid and relevant. The auditor’s report is presented on page 48.
Signed on behalf of the Board of Directors.
Johann Rupert | Thys Visser |
Chairman | Chief Executive Officer |
Stellenbosch | |
18 June 2007 |