JSE Limited 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002
Weighted number of            
    Remgro ordinary shares in issue –            
    excluding the unlisted
    “B” shares (’000) 438 617 447 648 461 786 467 774 481 011 486 494
Market capitalisation at
   31 March (R million) –             
    Ordinary shares only 81 233 60 588 45 633 35 028 25 030 30 649
Price (cents per share)            
– 31 March 18 100 13 500 9 380 7 200 5 145 6 300
– Highest  18 294 13 800 9 701 7 495 7 399 6 650
– Lowest  12 200 9 150 6 980 5 150 5 145 4 780
Number of shares            
    traded (’000) 236 577 284 396 187 389 187 231 216 082 203 231
Value of shares traded            
    (R million) 35 509 32 732 15 553 11 785 14 105 12 101
Shares traded/weighted            
    number of ordinary            
    shares (%) 53.9 63.5 40.6 40 44.9 41.8
Number of transactions 126 747 100 309 64 707 54 055 58 873 67 712

Remgro share price