This report by the Audit and Risk Committee (the committee), as appointed by the shareholders in respect of the year under review, is prepared in accordance with the recommendations of King III and the requirements of the Companies Act (No. 71 of 2008), as amended (Companies Act) and describes how the committee has discharged its statutory duties in terms of the Companies Act and its additional duties assigned to it by the Board in respect of the financial year ended 30 June 2016.
Committee members and attendance at meetings
The committee comprises five independent non-executive directors (as set out in the table below) and is chaired by Mr Herman Wessels who is a Chartered Accountant. All the committee members are suitably skilled and experienced. In terms of the committee’s mandate, at least four meetings should be held annually.
Committee member* | Number of meetings held |
Number of meetings attended |
H Wessels (chairman) | 4 | 4 |
S E N De Bruyn Sebotsa** | 4 | 3 |
N P Mageza | 4 | 4 |
P J Moleketi | 4 | 4 |
F Robertson | 4 | 4 |
* | Abridged curriculum vitae of all the directors of the Company are set out on here in the Integrated Annual Report. |
** | Ms S E N De Bruyn Sebotsa was appointed as a member of the Audit and Risk Committee with effect from 23 November 2015 and attended all the meetings since her appointment. |
The Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, head of internal audit and representatives of the external auditors attend the committee meetings by invitation. Committee agendas provide for confidential meetings between committee members and the internal and external auditors, as well as management.
Role and responsibilities
The committee’s role and responsibilities include its statutory duties as per the Companies Act, as well as the responsibilities assigned to it by the Board.
The committee is satisfied that it has fulfilled all of its duties during the financial year under review, as further detailed below.
Remgro’s principal wholly owned operating subsidiary is Wispeco. Wispeco’s Audit and Risk Committee functions as a subcommittee of the committee and reports to this committee at each meeting by way of inclusion of the minutes of the meetings held by it in the committee’s agenda. The committee has also satisfied itself that there are effective audit committees functioning at the Company’s significant non-wholly owned subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures, whose minutes of meetings held are also included in the committee’s agenda.
More information about the functioning of the committee and the matters dealt with in this report can be found in the Corporate Governance Report and Risk Management Report.
Statutory duties
In the conduct of its duties, the committee has performed the following statutory duties:
- Nominated PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. and Mr Hein Döman, who, in the opinion of the committee, is independent of the Company, to the shareholders for appointment as the external auditor for the financial year ended 30 June 2016
- Determined the fees to be paid to the external auditor and their terms of engagement
- Ensured that the appointment of the external auditor complies with the provisions of the Companies Act and any other legislation relating to the appointment of auditors
- Determined the nature and extent of any non-audit services that the external auditor may provide to the Company and its wholly owned subsidiaries administered by Remgro Management Services Limited (RMS), as well as Wispeco
- Pre-approved any proposed agreement with the external auditor for the provision of non-audit services to the Company and its wholly owned subsidiaries administered by RMS, as well as Wispeco.
External audit
The committee is satisfied that the Company’s external auditor, PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc., is independent of the Company and is therefore able to conduct their audit functions without any influence from the Company.
A formal policy governs the process whereby the external auditor of the Company is considered for non-audit services. In terms of the policy, the committee is responsible for determining the nature and extent of any non-audit services that the external auditor may provide and also to pre-approve any proposed contract with the external auditor for the provision of non-audit services.
Internal financial control and accounting systems
The committee is responsible for assessing the systems of internal financial controls and accounting systems of the Company and its wholly owned subsidiaries. In this regard the committee has evaluated reports on the effectiveness of the systems of internal financial controls conducted by the internal audit function, considered information provided by management and held discussions with the external auditor on the results of their audit. The committee is of the opinion that the systems of internal financial controls are effective and forms a basis for the preparation of reliable financial statements. In support of the aforementioned the committee also received reports from the internal audit function regarding the effectiveness of the combined assurance process and fraud prevention and detection measures in place.
The Remgro executives serving on the boards of investee companies (RCL Foods and associates and joint ventures) are responsible for executing the Company’s significant influence to ensure that effective internal controls are implemented and complied with.
Expertise and experience of the Chief Financial Officer and finance function
The committee has considered and has satisfied itself of the appropriateness of the expertise and experience of the Chief Financial Officer, Mr Neville Williams, whose curriculum vitae appears here in the Integrated Annual Report.
The committee has furthermore considered, and has satisfied itself of the appropriateness of the expertise and adequacy of resources of the Company’s finance function and the experience of the senior members of management responsible for the financial function.
Financial statements and going concern
The committee has reviewed the stand-alone and consolidated financial statements of the Company and is satisfied that they comply with International Financial Reporting Standards and the Companies Act, and that the accounting policies used are appropriate.
The committee has also reviewed a documented assessment by management of the going concern premise of the Company before recommending to the Board that the Company will be a going concern in the foreseeable future.
Risk management
The committee has assigned oversight of the risk management function to the Risk and IT Governance Committee, which is a subcommittee of the committee. The mandate of this committee includes the maintenance of the Risk Management Policy and plan, establishment of an operational Risk Register, information technology risk management, legal compliance and occupational health and safety. The Risk and IT Governance Committee is chaired by the CFO and the fifteen other members are all senior managers of the Company. The chairman of the committee attends the Risk and IT Governance Committee meetings as an ex officio member to ensure the effective functioning of this committee and that appropriate risk information is shared with the committee.
Internal audit
The Company’s internal audit division is an effective independent appraisal function and forms an integral part of the Enterprise-wide Risk Management system that provides assurance on the effectiveness of the Company’s system of internal control. The internal audit division of the Company is staffed by qualified and experienced personnel and services all of Remgro’s wholly owned subsidiaries administered by RMS, as well as Wispeco. In addition, the internal audit division also performs independent internal audit work for other investee companies such as Dark Fibre Africa, Mediclinic, RMB Holdings, RMI Holdings, SEACOM and Business Partners.
During the year under review the committee considered and recommended the internal audit charter for approval by the Board. The committee further considered the internal audit quality assurance plan and the performance of the internal audit function. Further details on the Group’s internal audit functions are provided in the Risk Management Report.
The committee is responsible for reviewing any major breach of relevant legal and regulatory requirements. The committee is satisfied that there has been no material non-compliance with laws and regulations.
The committee is also satisfied that it has complied with all its legal, regulatory and other responsibilities during the year under review.
Recommendation to the Board
The committee has reviewed and considered the Integrated Annual Report, including the comprehensive annual financial statements and sustainable development report published on the Company’s website at, and has recommended it for approval by the Board.
Herman Wessels
Chairman of the Audit and Risk Committee
20 September 2016