R million  30 June 
30 June 
Cash flows – operating activities       
Cash generated from operations  4 340  4 372 
Interest received  777  1 256 
Taxation paid  (772) (1 217)
Dividends received(1) 2 984  3 381 
Finance costs  (1 592) (1 492)
Cash available from operating activities  5 737  6 300 
Dividends paid  (3 883) (3 759)
Cash inflow from operating activities  1 854  2 541  
Cash flows – investing activities       
Investment in property, plant and equipment and other assets  (2 467) (2 636)
Proceeds on disposal of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets   131  69 
Proceeds on disposal of assets held for sale(2) 10  5 084 
Businesses acquired  110  (61)
Proceeds on disposal of investments and loans  925  1 004 
Additions to investments and loans(3) (417) (4 484)
Investment in money market funds  (2 275) (1 179)
Withdrawal of money market funds  2 505  – 
Cash outflow from investing activities  (1 478) (2 203)
Cash flows – financing activities       
Loans repaid   (11) (600)
Lease payments  (406) – 
Purchase of treasury shares  –  (396)
Other movements  166  180 
Cash outflow from financing activities  (251) (816)
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents  125  (478)
Exchange rate profit on foreign cash  1 549  38 
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year  11 545  11 985 
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year  13 219  11 545 
Cash and cash equivalents – per statement of financial position  15 631  12 662 
Bank overdraft  (2 412) (1 117)
(1) The dividend received from RMI in the comparative year in respect of the reinvestment alternative amounting to R300 million was not included in “Dividends received” and “Additions to investments and loans” for cash flow purposes.
(2) The comparative year includes the R4 900 million cash received on the disposal of the investment in Unilever.
(3) The comparative year includes the investments in CIVH and Prescient amounting to R3 683 million.