30 June 2018 30 June 2017
% Number of shares % Number of shares

Major beneficial shareholders

Ordinary shares
Public Investment Corporation 14.56 77 048 485 15.30 80 947 607
Other 85.44 452 168 522 84.70 448 269 400
100.00 529 217 007 100.00 529 217 007
B ordinary shares
Rupert Beleggings Proprietary Limited 100.00 39 056 987 100.00 39 056 987
Total 568 273 994 568 273 994

No other shareholder held abeneficial interest of more than 5% in the ordinary shares of the Company on 30 June 2018.
30 June
30 June
30 June
30 June

Distribution of shareholders

Ordinary shares
Public shareholders 60 496 64 552 60 890 59 141
Percentage of shareholders 99.93 99.88 99.85 99.86
Number of shares 513 954 491 512 476 207 465 687 383 465 119 986
Percentage of shares issued 97.12 96.84 96.80 96.68
Non-public shareholders
Directors and their associates/Share Trust/Treasury shares 44 78 90 84
Percentage of shareholders 0.07 0.12 0.15 0.14
Number of shares 15 262 516 16 740 800 15 418 987 15 986 384
Percentage of shares issued 2.88 3.16 3.20 3.32
Number of shareholders 60 540 64 630 60 980 59 225

30 June
30 June
30 June
30 June

Number of shares in issue

– Ordinary shares of no par value 529 217 007 529 217 007 481 106 370 481 106 370
– Unlisted B ordinary shares of no par value 39 056 987 39 056 987 35 506 352 35 506 352
Total number of shares in issue 568 273 994 568 273 994 516 612 722 516 612 722
Number of shares held in treasury
Ordinary shares repurchased and held in treasury (1 389 033) (1 666 638) (1 725 393) (2 169 558)
566 884 961 566 607 356 514 887 329 514 443 164
Weighted number of shares 566 773 693 553 423 346 524 628 257 514 200 979

Interests of the directors in the issued capital of the Company

Ordinary shares

Directors Direct beneficial Indirect beneficial Associates Total
30 June 2018
S E N De Bruyn 497 497
J J Durand 842 776 8 250 851 026
G T Ferreira 174 488 616 000 790 488
P K Harris 186 030 186 030
E de la H Hertzog 288 081 2 124 995 142 982 2 556 058
M Lubbe 32 184 32 184
J Malherbe 48 670 1 161 565 1 210 235
N P Mageza 296 296
P J Moleketi 1 243 19 718 20 961
M Morobe 633 633
F Robertson 5 500 5 500
J P Rupert 7 553 865 7 553 865
N J Williams 25 000 66 000 91 000
570 163 3 160 230 9 568 380 13 298 773
On 30 April 2018, when Mr W E Bührmann retired, his indirect beneficial holding was 290 400 ordinary shares in Remgro Limited.
Directors Direct
Associates Total
30 June 2017
W E Bührmann 290 400 290 400
S E N De Bruyn 497 497
J J Durand 842 776 8 250 851 026
G T Ferreira 174 488 616 000 790 488
P K Harris 186 030 186 030
E de la H Hertzog 288 081 2 124 995 142 982 2 556 058
M Lubbe 32 184 32 184
J Malherbe 48 670 1 158 631 1 207 301
N P Mageza 296 296
P J Moleketi 1 243 19 718 20 961
M Morobe 633 633
F Robertson 5 500 5 500
J P Rupert 7 553 865 7 553 865
N J Williams 22 643 66 000 88 643
567 806 3 450 630 9 565 446 13 583 882
B ordinary shares
Mr J P Rupert is a director of Rupert Beleggings Proprietary Limited which owns all the issued unlisted B ordinary shares.
Since the end of the financial year to the date of this report the interests of the directors remained unchanged.