

The summary consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with the requirements of the JSE Limited (JSE) for summary financial statements, and the requirements of the Companies Act applicable to summary financial statements. The JSE requires summary financial statements to be prepared in accordance with the framework concepts and the measurement and recognition requirements of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the SAICA Financial Reporting Guides as issued by the Accounting Practices Committee and Financial Pronouncements as issued by the Financial Reporting Standards Council and to also, as a minimum, contain the information required by IAS 34: Interim Financial Reporting.

The accounting policies applied in the preparation of the consolidated financial statements from which the summary consolidated financial statements were derived are in terms of IFRS and are consistent with those accounting policies applied in the preparation of the previous consolidated annual financial statements, with the exception of the adoption of the amendments to IAS 16: Property, Plant and Equipment and IAS 41: Agriculture. These amendments have to be applied retrospectively and accordingly the reported results of the comparative year were restated. The restatements pertain to the reclassification of bearer plants from biological assets to property, plant and equipment, the transfer of the remaining noncurrent biological assets (being the produce) to current biological assets and the measurement of the reclassified assets under the appropriate accounting treatment. Refer to note 15 for further detail. The financial statements have been prepared under the supervision of the Chief Financial Officer, Neville Williams CA(SA).

The summary consolidated financial statements do not contain all the information and disclosures required in the consolidated financial statements. The summary consolidated financial statements have been extracted from the audited consolidated financial statements upon which PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. has issued an unqualified report. The audited consolidated financial statements and the unqualified audit report are available for inspection at the registered office of the Company.



Since 11 May 2018 Remgro holds the majority of voting rights (56.0%) in Distell, thereby resulting in the investment in Distell now being consolidated at 31.8%. Therefore, certain line items in the statement of financial position and income statement are not directly comparable with the prior year. Based on the preliminary accounting for the business combination, the fair value of the major classes of assets and liabilities acquired are as follows:

  R million At
  Property, plant and equipment 6 608
  Intangible assets 10 169
  Inventories 7 765
  Debtors and short-term loans 2 149
  Cash and cash equivalents less bank overdraft 1 306
  Other net assets 1 229
  Long-term loans (4 378)
  Deferred taxation (assets and liabilities) (3 693)
  Trade and other payables (3 857)
  Non-controlling interest (11 893)
  Fair value of net assets acquired 5 405
  Goodwill 3 535
  Total purchase consideration 8 940
  Distell's revenue contribution for the year under review is R4 219 million. Refer to “Related party transactions” here for further detail.  
  R million 30
  Net profit for the year attributable to equity holders (earnings) 8 453 7 985
  – Impairment of equity accounted investments 580 177
  – Reversal of impairment of equity accounted investments (529) (479)
  – Impairment of available-for-sale investments 44 5
  – Impairment of property, plant and equipment 71 181
– Profit on sale and dilution of equity accounted investments(1) (5 156) (208)
  – Loss on sale and dilution of equity accounted investments 52 9>
  – Profit on sale of available-for-sale investments (116) (15)
  – Loss on sale of available-for-sale investments 15
  – Profit on disposal of property, plant and equipment (114) (110)
  – Recycling of foreign currency translation reserves (10)
  – Impairment of intangible assets 34
  – Loss on sale of subsidiary 42
  – Non-headline earnings items included in equity accounted earnings of equity accounted investments 4 726 220
  – Profit on disposal of property, plant and equipment (44) (22)
  – Profit on the sale of investments (583) (351)
  – Loss on the sale of investments 78 26
  – Impairment of investments, assets and goodwill(2) 5 935 668
  – Recycling of foreign currency translation reserves (647) (83)
  – Other headline earnings adjustable items (13) (18)
  – Taxation effect of adjustments 32 5
  – Non-controlling interest (35) (13)
  Headline earnings from continuing operations 8 074 7 772
  Net profit for the year attributable to equity holders (earnings) 490 446
  – Non-headline earnings items included in equity accounted earnings of equity accounted investments
  – Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment 12 3
  – Taxation effect of adjustments (3)
  Headline earnings from discontinued operations 499 449
  Total headline earnings from continuing and discontinued operations 8 573 8 221
  Option remeasurement (261) (687)
  Headline earnings, excluding option remeasurement 8 312 7 534
  (1) “Profit on sale and dilution of equity accounted investments” includes the profit realised on the Distell restructuring transaction of R5 150 million.
  (2) “Impairment of investments, assets and goodwill” from equity accounted investments includes Remgro's portion of the impairments of Mediclinic's investments in Hirslanden and Spire of R5 257 million.

Cents 30 June  2018  30 June  2017
Headline earnings per share
– Basic 1 512.6 1 485.5
Continuing operations 1 424.6 1 404.4
Discontinued operations 88.0 81.1
– Diluted 1 504.5 1 479.5
Continuing operations 1 416.5 1 398.5
Discontinued operations 88.0 81.0
Headline earnings per share, excluding option remeasurement
– Basic 1 466.5 1 361.3
Continuing operations 1 378.5 1 280.2
Discontinued operations 88.0 81.1
– Diluted 1 458.4 1 355.5
Continuing operations 1 370.4 1 274.5
Discontinued operations 88.0 81.0
Earnings per share
– Basic 1 577.9 1 523.4
Continuing operations 1 491.4 1 442.8
Discontinued operations 86.5 80.6
– Diluted 1 567.5 1 517.2
Continuing operations 1 481.1 1 436.8
Discontinued operations 86.4 80.4
Dividends per share
Ordinary 532.00 495.00
– Interim 204.00 194.00
– Final 328.00 301.00
   R million       
   Equity accounted investments       
   Associates  70 735  75 392 
   Joint ventures  2 987  5 491 
      73 722  80 883 
   Carrying value at the beginning of the year  80 883  78 565 
   Share of net attributable profit  3 383  7 545 
   Dividends received  (4 259) (3 861)
   Exchange rate differences  1 779  4 947 
   Investments made 675  771 
   Derecognition of equity accounted investments in Distell and Capevin  (3 885) -
   Tramsfer of Unilever to non-current assets held for sale (3 588)  -
   Businesses acquired 968  -
  Grindrod impairment reversal 487 478
   Equity acconted movements on reserves (2 145)  2 256 
  Other movements (576) 76
   Carrying value at the end of the year  73 722  80 883 
6. LONG-TERM LOANS        
   R million 30
   20 000 Class A 7.7% cumulative redeemable preference shares  3 512  3 512 
   10 000 Class B 8.3% cumulative redeemable preference shares  4 382  4 382 
   Exchangeable bonds with an effective interest rate of 4.5%  6 090  5 650 
   Various other loans  7 533  3 127 
      21 517  16 671 
   Short-term portion of long-term loans  (1 201) (225)
      20 316  16 446 
7.  Additions to and replacement of property, plant and equipment  1 153  1 228 
8. Capital and investment commitments*    4 366  1 247 
   (Including amounts authorised but not yet contracted for)      
9. Guarantees and contingent liabilities   26 
10. Dividends received from Associate Classified as asset Held for sale  4 259  3 861 
   Share of after-tax profit of equity accounted investments       
   Profit before taking into account impairments, non-recurring and capital items  10 035  10 066 
   Net impairment of investments, assets and goodwill  (5 935) (668)
   Profit on the sale of investments  505  325 
  Recycling of foreign currency translation reserves 647 83
   Other non-recurring and capital items  13  18
   Profit before tax and non-controlling interest  5 265  9 824 
   Taxation  (1 499) (1 895)
   Non-controlling interest  (383) (384)
      3 383  7 545 
  Continuing operations 2 893 7 099
  Discontinued operations 490 446
  *Capital and investment commitments at 30 June 2018 include an amount of R2 459 million from Distell
12. Fair value remeasurements 
  The following methods and assumptions are used to determine the fair value of each class of financial instruments:
  • Financial instruments available-for-sale and investment in money market funds: Fair value is based on quoted market prices or, in the case of unlisted instruments, appropriate valuation methodologies, being discounted cash flow, liquidation valuation or actual net asset value of the investment.
  • Derivative instruments: The fair value of derivative instruments is determined by using appropriate valuation methodologies and mark-to-market valuations.

Financial instruments measured at fair value are disclosed by level of the following fair value hierarchy:

Level 1 – Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities;

Level 2 – Inputs (other than quoted prices included within level 1) that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly (as prices) or indirectly (derived from prices); and

Level 3 – Inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data (unobservable inputs). 

The following table illustrates the fair values of financial assets and liabilities that are measured at fair value, by hierarchy level:

   R million  Level 1  Level 2  Level 3  Total 
   30 June 2018             
   Available-for-sale  934  41  2 092  3 067 
   Derivative instruments  –  12  –  12 
   Investment in money market funds  3 996  –  –  3 996 
      4 930  53  2 092  7 075 
   Non-current derivative instruments  –  112  –  112 
   Current derivative instruments  –  34  43  77 
      –  146  43  189 
   30 June 2017            
   Available-for-sale  1 178  –  2 167  3 345 
   Derivative instruments  –  – 
   Investment in money market funds  5 888  –  –  5 888 
      7 066  2 167  9 234 
   Non-current derivative instruments  –  363  –  363 
   Current derivative instruments  –  13  49  62 
      –  376  49  425 
  The following tables illustrate the reconciliation of the carrying value of level 3 assets and liabilities from the beginning to the end of the year:
   R million   30 June 
  30 June
   Assets: Available-for-sale       
   Balances at the beginning of the year  2 167  2 148 
   Additions  103  119 
   Disposals  (356) (67)
   Exchange rate adjustments  81 178 
   Fair value adjustments through comprehensive income  97  145 
   Balances at the end of the year  2 092  2 167 
   Liabilities: Derivative instruments       
   Balances at the beginning of the year  49  54 
   Put option exercised (6) (5) 
   Balances at the end of the year  43  49 

There were no transfers between the different levels.

Level 3 financial assets consist mainly of investments in the Milestone China entities (Milestone) and the Pembani Remgro Infrastructure Fund (PRIF) amounting to R1 737 million and R234 million respectively, while the investment in the Kagiso Infrastructure Empowerment Fund was disposed of during the year under review. These investments are all valued based on the fair value of each investment's underlying assets, which are valued using a variety of valuation methodologies. Listed entities are valued at the last quoted share price on the reporting date, whereas unlisted entities' valuation methods include discounted cash flow valuations, appropriate earnings and revenue multiples.

Milestone's fair value consists of listed investments (43%), cash and cash equivalents (6%), unlisted investments (60%) and other net liabilities (9%). Unlisted investments included at transaction prices in Milestone's fair value amounted to R573 million, while its remaining eight unlisted investments were valued at R469 million. PRIF's main assets are the investments in ETG Group, Nova Lumos and GPR Leasing. ETG Group was valued at its last traded price used for the acquisition of an interest by a third party. GPR Leasing and Nova Lumos were valued using the discounted cash flow method.

Changes in the valuation assumptions of the above unlisted investments will not have a significant impact on Remgro's financial statements as the underlying assets of the funds in which Remgro made its investments are widely spread.



On 30 June 2017 Remgro had an indirect economic interest of 31.8% in Distell Group Limited (previously listed Distell). This interest was held through its 50.0% shareholding in Remgro-Capevin Investments Proprietary Limited (RCI) and 19.0% shareholding in Capevin Holdings Limited (Capevin). Capevin held the other 50.0% shareholding in RCI and RCI had a 53.5% economic interest (or 52.8% voting interest) in the previously listed Distell.

On 11 May 2018 the competition authorities approved the restructuring of the previously listed Distell's multi-tiered ownership structure. In terms of the restructuring, Remgro exchanged its 50.0% shareholding in RCI for additional ordinary shares in Capevin (the RCI Exchange). The RCI Exchange increased Remgro's interest in Capevin from 19.0% to 59.5%. Following the RCI Exchange, Remgro exchanged its entire Capevin shareholding for ordinary shares in Distell, a new listed entity which is substantially similar to the previously listed Distell. Remgro also received unlisted B shares in Distell, which shares are linked to the Distell ordinary shares acquired by Remgro by virtue of the RCI Exchange, resulting in Remgro replicating RCI's 52.8% voting rights in the previously listed Distell. The unlisted B shares only carry voting rights in Distell and have no economic participation. The restructuring had no impact on Remgro's intrinsic net asset value and Remgro retained its 31.8% economic interest in Distell, but increased its voting rights in Distell to 56.0%.

Remgro's investments in RCI and Capevin were previously classified as a joint venture and an associate, respectively, and accounted for using the equity method. Since the restructuring, Remgro holds the majority of voting rights (56.0%) in Distell, thereby resulting in the investment in Distell now being consolidated at 31.8% with effect from 11 May 2018, while the investments in RCI and Capevin were derecognised at their fair values totalling R8 940 million, realising an accounting profit on the sale of investments of R5 150 million.

In terms of IFRS 3: Business Combinations the purchase consideration for Distell, consisting of the fair value of Remgro's previously held interests in RCI and Capevin, amounted to R8 940 million. The preliminary fair value of the underlying assets acquired and liabilities assumed at the effective date were: intangible assets of R10 169 million, property, plant and equipment of R6 608 million, and other net assets of R521 million. Non-controlling shareholders' proportionate interest in the fair value of Distell's net assets amounted to R11 893 million, while Remgro's economic interest therein amounted to R5 405 million. The balance of R3 535 million, being the difference between the purchase price and Remgro's portion of Distell's identifiable net assets, was allocated to goodwill.

The fair value adjustment to Distell's statement of financial position relates mainly to the recognition of brands (inter alia Hunters, Savanna, Amarula and Bernini). The amortisation of these additional assets will result in an annual after-tax expense of R145 million (Remgro's portion being R46 million) included in headline earnings. Since Remgro retained its economic interest of 31.8% in Distell's underlying business, the impact on attributable headline earnings for the year under review only relates to the additional after-tax amortisation expense of R8 million for the period to 30 June 2018.


On 19 September 2017 and 12 March 2018 RMI Holdings declared its final dividend for the year ended 30 June 2017 and interim dividend for the six months ended 31 December 2017 respectively. Both dividends included an alternative to the cash dividend of either receiving a scrip distribution or reinvesting the cash dividend by subscribing for new RMI Holdings ordinary shares. Remgro elected the reinvestment alternative for both declarations. Cash dividends amounting to R471 million were reinvested for 7 691 641 new RMI Holdings ordinary shares at R38.00 per share and 4 196 921 new RMI Holdings ordinary shares at R42.50 per share during October 2017 and April 2018 respectively. These investments increased Remgro's interest in RMI Holdings marginally to 30.3% (30 June 2017: 29.9%).


On 19 June 2018 Grindrod distributed its shipping division to its shareholders as a dividend in specie. Grindrod shareholders received one Grindrod Shipping Holdings Limited (Grindrod Shipping) share for every 40 Grindrod shares held and, accordingly, Remgro received 4 329 580 Grindrod Shipping shares. Grindrod Shipping listed on the NASDAQ on 18 June 2018 with a secondary inward listing on the JSE on 19 June 2018. On 30 June 2018 Remgro's effective interests in Grindrod and Grindrod Shipping were 23.0% (2017: 23.1%) and 22.7% respectively.


During the year under review Remgro (through its wholly owned subsidiary, Invenfin) invested a further R80 million in Bos Brands Proprietary Limited (Bos Brands), thereby increasing its cumulative investment in Bos Brands to R244 million. Bos Brands is an owner, producer, marketer and distributor of a range of ice teas and sports drinks, under the BOS brand.


For other related party transactions refer to notes 5, 10 and 11.



The competition authorities have approved Unilever's acquisition of Remgro's 25.75% shareholding in Unilever in exchange for Unilever's Spreads business in Southern Africa, as well as a cash consideration of R4 900 million, representing a total transaction value of R11 900 million. This transaction valued the Unilever Spreads business at R7 000 million. The effective date of the transaction was 2 July 2018.

On 2 July 2018 the Unilever Spreads business, valued at R7 000 million, was transferred to Silver 2017 Proprietary Limited (Silver), which became a wholly owned subsidiary of Remgro, and the investment in Unilever was disposed of for R11 900 million. In terms of IFRS 3: Business Combinations the purchase price of the Unilever Spreads business will be allocated to intangible assets (mainly brands like Rama, Stork and Flora), property, plant and equipment and other net assets, while the balance will be allocated to goodwill. At the date of publication of the audited consolidated results, the acquisition date fair values of acquired net assets have not yet been determined.


On 11 September 2018 RMI Holdings declared its final dividend for the year ended 30 June 2018, which included an alternative to the cash dividend of either receiving a scrip distribution or reinvesting the cash dividend by subscribing for new RMI Holdings ordinary shares. Remgro has committed to reinvesting its cash dividend amounting to R300 million, by electing the reinvestment alternative, in order to receive 7 894 998 new RMI Holdings ordinary shares at R38.00 per share.