R million  30 June 
30 June 
Balance at the beginning of the year  113 446  95 302 
Change in accounting policies(1) (1 116) – 
Restated balance at the beginning of the year  112 330  95 302 
Total comprehensive income for the year  7 807  8 888 
Dividends paid  (3 759) (2 934)
Transactions with non-controlling shareholders  (9) 40 
Other movements  11  18 
Long-term share incentive scheme reserve  205  182 
Purchase of treasury shares by wholly owned subsidiary  (396) – 
Non-controlling shareholders’ interest in acquisition of subsidiary  –  11 953 
Non-controlling shareholders’ interest in disposal of subsidiary  –  (3)
Balance at the end of the year  116 189  113 446 
(1) Refer to “Change in accounting policies” here for the impact of the implementation of new accounting standards.