Annual Report

Remgro Integrated Annual Report 2014 (Full) [5.9 MB]

Overview of Business

Overview of business [310 KB]
Remgro’s approach to reporting [37 KB]
Salient features [41 KB]
Group profile [118 KB]
Six-year review and share statistics [64 KB]
Directorate and members of committees [186 KB]
Executive management structure [53 KB]
Shareholders’ diary and company information [29 KB]

Reports to shareholders

Reports to shareholders [3 MB]
Chairman’s report [90 KB]
Chief Executive Officer’s report [130 KB]
Chief Financial Officer’s report [247 KB]
Investment reviews [2.7 MB]

Governance and sustainablity

Governance and sustainability [301 KB]
Corporate governance report [160 KB]
Risk management report [119 KB]
Social and Ethics Committee report [73 KB]
Abridged sustainable development report [173 KB]
Remuneration report [164 KB]

Financial Report

Financial report [301 KB]
Summary financial statements [526 KB]
Notice to shareholders [106 KB]
Explanatory notes to the notes to shareholders [30 KB]

Annual Financial Statements


Sustainable development report

ENGLISH – [364 KB]