The Board is ultimately accountable for the Remgro Group’s risk and opportunities management process and system of internal control. The Board has implemented and maintained a comprehensive risk and opportunities management system, which incorporates continuous risk and opportunity identifi-cation and assessment, evaluation and internal control embedment.

The risk and opportunities management process entails the planning, arranging and controlling of activities and resources to minimise the negative impacts of risks to levels that can be tolerated by Remgro, as well as to optimise the opportunities presented by certain risks. In addition, the processes assess strategic risk and the alignment of strategy to the mission and vision of Remgro. As Remgro is an investment holding company, the risk and opportunities management process takes cognisance of risks and opportunities within Remgro as well as the risks and opportunities inherent to its investment portfolio.

The Board has evaluated and agreed on the nature and extent of the risks that Remgro is willing to take in pursuit of its strategic objectives. The Board formalises and approves risk appetite, risk-bearing capacity and risk-tolerance levels on an annual basis.

The Audit and Risk Committee is integral in the implementation of the enterprise-wide Risk and Opportunities Management Policy, as it is mandated by the Board to monitor the risk and opportunities management processes and systems of internal control for Remgro and its wholly owned subsidiaries. The Audit and Risk Committee provides feedback to the Board on the effectiveness of the Remgro Group’s risk and opportunities management processes, at least annually.

The Risk and Opportunities Management Policy defines the objectives, methodology, processes and responsibilities of the various management role players in Remgro. The Risk and Opportunities Management Policy seeks to inter alia assess the risks and opportunities emanating from the triple context in which Remgro operates and the capitals that Remgro use and affect to optimise performance and resource deployment. The Risk and Opportunities Management Policy is subject to annual review and any proposed amendments are submitted to the Audit and Risk Committee for consideration and thereafter for recommendation to the Board for approval. During the year under review, the Board reviewed the Risk and Opportunities Management Policy in light of the principles and recommended practices of King IV and the 2017 COSO Enterprise Risk Management Framework.

The Audit and Risk Committee has assigned oversight of the risk and opportunities management function to the ROTIG Committee, which is a subcommittee of the Audit and Risk Committee. The mandate of the ROTIG Committee includes the maintenance of the Risk and Opportunities Management Policy, establishment of an operational risk and opportunities register, technology and information risk management, legal compliance and occupational health and safety. During the year under review, the Audit and Risk Committee reviewed the ROTIG Committee’s mandate in light of the principles and recommended practices of King IV.

An annual independent internal audit review is done regarding the effectiveness of the ROTIG Committee, which is part of the risk and opportunities management process approved by the Board.

The ROTIG Committee is chaired by the CFO and the 15 other members are all senior managers of Remgro. The chairman of the Audit and Risk Committee attends meetings as an ex officio member to ensure the effective functioning of this committee and that appropriate risk information is shared with the committee.

The Remgro Group’s risk and opportunities assessment, which includes all companies in the Remgro investment portfolio, is assessed by the Management Board.

Remgro’s internal audit division is an effective independent appraisal function and forms an integral part of the enterprise-wide risk and opportunities management system that provides assurance on the effectiveness of Remgro’s system of internal control. The Audit and Risk Committee has, during the year under review, evaluated reports on the effectiveness of the systems of internal controls conducted by the internal audit function, considered information provided by management and held discussions with the external auditor on the results of their audit.

Further details on Remgro’s risk management function are contained in the Risk and Opportunities Management Report. The Audit and Risk Committee is satisfied that the system, as well as the process of risk and opportunities management, is effective.

Remgro has a duly constituted Health and Safety Committee, as required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, No. 85 of 1993. The committee is a subcommittee of the ROTIG Committee and ensures that Remgro provides and maintains a safe and healthy risk-free environment for staff and visitors by identifying risks and ensuring that controls designed to mitigate these risks are effective and complied with. It further monitors environmental practices.

An overview of the key areas of focus during the reporting period, planned areas of future focus as well as the objectives, and the key risks that Remgro faces are contained in the Risk and Opportunities Management Report.