Remgro’s Remuneration and Nomination Committee is respon-sible for, inter alia, the establishment of a remuneration policy, overseeing the setting and administering of the remuneration of all directors, Management Board members and other employees, as well as the compensation of non-executive directors (which compensation is ultimately approved by the shareholders by special resolution before payment thereof).
The Remuneration and Nomination Committee advises the Board on matters such as the remuneration principles and terms of employment of all directors and Management Board members, the Board structure and composition, directors’ remuneration and long-term incentive schemes and succession plans for the Board, CEO and other Management Board appointments.
Remgro has a formal Remuneration Policy that sets out the remuneration principles for the organisation as a whole. The Remuneration Policy is aligned with Remgro’s approach of rewarding all employees fairly and competitively, according to their capabilities, skills, responsibilities and level of performance. The level of salaries to employees is one of a number of elements in its strategy to retain, motivate and, where necessary, recruit high-quality people.
The Remuneration Report provides an overview and understanding of Remgro’s remuneration principles, policy and practices. The remuneration of directors and prescribed officers is disclosed in the Remuneration Report. The Board has decided that independent, non-executive directors should not be remunerated by means of a base fee and attendance fee in respect of their Board and committee obligations. The fee paid to non-executive directors is thus a fixed annual fee. This was decided as many directors add significant value to the Remgro Group outside of the formal Board and committee meetings, sometimes greater than they might do within the confines of a formal meeting.
With effect from 2017, Remgro tables its Remuneration Policy and Remuneration Implementation Report for separate non-binding advisory votes by shareholders at its Annual General Meetings. In the event of a 25% or more dissenting vote on the Remuneration Policy or Remuneration Implementation Report (or both) the Remuneration and Nomination Committee will engage with the dissenting shareholders as recommended by King IV.
Remgro’s Remuneration Policy and Remuneration Implemen-tation Report were tabled for separate non-binding advisory votes at Remgro’s Annual General Meeting held on 29 November 2018. At the meeting, 96.02% and 97.97% of the ordinary shareholders, which excludes the votes of the B ordinary shareholders, voted in favour of the Remuneration Policy and Remuneration Implementation Report, respectively.