Remgro and its investee companies generate an impact on the environment in the manufacturing and delivery of their products and services. As such, Remgro is critically dependent on healthy and functioning ecosystem services that allow it to prosper and create value for its customers, employees, communities and shareholders. These services include clean and plentiful water, delivery of reliable energy, and the receiving of waste by-product. To this end, Remgro acknowledges and tries to minimise its impact through focused environmental management and the setting of appropriate targets while, also, investigating creative solutions that can have a net social and environmental benefit.
At the forefront of Remgro’s response is the Remgro Safety, Health and Environmental Management Policy, which covers Remgro Management Services Limited (RMS – the service company), RCL Foods, Siqalo Foods, Distell and Wispeco. The policy defines the scope, boundaries and management structure of Remgro’s environmental duty. The Remgro Board is ultimately responsible for the implementation of the policy, but delegates its responsibilities to the Risk, Opportunities, Technology and Information Governance Committee (a subcommittee of the Audit and Risk Committee) and the Social and Ethics Committee that reviews and recommends the approval of environmental procedures implemented and maintained by RMS. With regard to RCL Foods, Siqalo Foods, Distell and Wispeco, it is the responsibility of Remgro’s representatives on the boards of these companies to obtain assurance regarding the effectiveness and efficiency of their respective environmental management processes. As a central function, Remgro conducts annual environmental risk reviews on its investee companies and incorporates environmental performance into its various risk management frameworks.
Further details regarding Remgro’s initiatives to minimise its impact on the environment are presented in the detailed Sustainable Development Report.