The Board delegates certain roles and responsibilities to individual directors and to standing or ad hoc board committees. The Board, however, understands that delegation of its responsibilities to a committee or a particular director will not by or of itself constitute a discharge of the Board’s accountability.
Specific responsibilities are delegated to the Board’s subcommittees, which have defined tasks in terms of approved mandates. The delegation to committees has been recorded by means of formal terms of reference for each committee, which terms of reference are reviewed annually by the Board. Feedback on the committees’ activities is submitted to the Board at each Board meeting following the relevant committee meeting.
Members of the executive and senior management are invited to attend committee meetings either by standing invitation or on an ad hoc basis to provide pertinent information and insights in their areas of responsibility.
Audit and Risk Committee
Remgro has appointed an Audit and Risk Committee, which consists of four suitably skilled and experienced independent, non-executive directors. One of the members of the committee is appointed by the Board to chair the committee.
The Audit and Risk Committee is responsible for the Remgro Group’s Integrated Annual Report, internal financial controls and accounting systems, internal audit, external audit, risk and opportunities management, the financial statements and any other intended releases of price-sensitive information for external distribution or publication, including those required by any regulatory or statutory authority. The Audit and Risk Committee is responsible to ensure that a combined assurance model is applied to provide a coordinated approach to all assurance activities.
The responsibilities of the Audit and Risk Committee are codified in a formal terms of reference, which is reviewed at least annually and which is available here. During the year under review, the Board reviewed the terms of reference of the Audit and Risk Committee, in light of the principles and recommended practices of King IV. An Audit and Risk Committee Report is published each year describing how the committee has discharged its duties.
The Board believes that the current members of the Audit and Risk Committee are suitably skilled and experienced. The CEO and CFO are not members of the Audit and Risk Committee, but attend meetings by invitation, if needed, to contribute pertinent insights and information.
The Audit and Risk Committee annually performs a review of Remgro’s CFO and the finance function. Remgro has appointed an executive financial director, being the CFO of Remgro (Mr Neville Williams). The Audit and Risk Committee is satisfied as to the appropriateness of the expertise and experience of the financial director.
The Audit and Risk Committee meets annually with the internal and external auditors, respectively, without management being present, to facilitate an exchange of views and concerns that may not be appropriate for discussion in an open forum.
The Audit and Risk Committee has, during the year under review, nominated independent external auditors, PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. (PwC), approved its fee and determined its terms of engagement. The appointment was presented to the shareholders of Remgro at the Annual General Meeting for approval. The Committee is satisfied that Remgro’s external auditors are independent of Remgro and are thereby able to conduct their audit functions without any undue influence. The designated external audit partner rotates every five years. PwC has been the auditor of the Company for 51 years. The business of the Company was previously transacted through Rembrandt Group Limited of which, based on available statutory records, PwC and its predecessor firms have been the external auditor for 71 years. The committee is satisfied with PwC’s independence from the Company, notwithstanding its tenure as external auditor.
The Audit and Risk Committee meets at least four times during a reporting period. The effectiveness of the Audit and Risk Committee is evaluated on an annual basis by way of self-evaluation and an evaluation by the Board.
The Audit and Risk Committee provides feedback to the Board at each board meeting following an Audit and Risk Committee meeting. Reporting to shareholders is done through the Audit and Risk Committee Report.
The Audit and Risk Committee is satisfied that Remgro has established appropriate financial reporting procedures and that those procedures are operating; and the committee is satisfied that it has fulfilled its responsibilities in terms of its terms of reference. The Board is also satisfied that the Audit and Risk Committee has executed its responsibilities.
Social and Ethics Committee
The Board has delegated the general oversight and reporting of sustainability to the Audit and Risk Committee, assisted by the Social and Ethics Committee. The Social and Ethics Committee oversees and reports on Remgro’s ethics, sustainable development and stakeholder relationships; and ensures that Remgro is and remains a good and responsible corporate citizen. The role and responsibilities of the Social and Ethics Committee are codified in a charter (which is available here), which charter is reviewed at least annually; and was reviewed during the reporting period, in light of the principles and recommended practices of King IV. A Social and Ethics Committee Report is published each year describing how the committee has discharged its duties.
The Social and Ethics Committee currently consists of five members, which include executive and non-executive members, with a majority being independent, non-executive directors. The Board believes that the current members of the committee are suitably skilled and experienced.
The Social and Ethics Committee meets at least twice during a reporting period. The effectiveness of the Social and Ethics Committee is evaluated on an annual basis by way of self-evaluation and an evaluation by the Board.
Reporting to shareholders is done through the Social and Ethics Committee Report. The Social and Ethics Committee is satisfied that it has fulfilled its responsibilities in terms of its charter. The Board is also satisfied that the Social and Ethics Committee has executed its responsibilities.
Remuneration and Nomination Committee
The Remuneration and Nomination Committee consists of four members. All members of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee are non-executive directors, with the majority being categorised as independent. The Chairman acts as ex officio chairman of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee. Although he is not independent, the Board is supportive of his chairmanship given the necessity to align Remgro’s remuneration approach with corporate strategy, and the fact that he receives no remuneration from Remgro.
The Remuneration and Nomination Committee meets at least once a year. The CEO attends all meetings of the committee ex officio. The Remuneration and Nomination Committee’s mandate (which is available on Remgro’s website) is reviewed annually and the committee’s effectiveness is assessed in terms thereof. The Remuneration and Nomination Committee is satisfied that it has fulfilled its responsibilities in terms of its terms of reference. The Board is also satisfied that the Remuneration and Nomination Committee has executed its responsibilities.