The Board delegates authority in a manner that articulates its direction on reservation and delegation of power. The Board ultimately leads and controls the Remgro Group in all issues of a material or strategic nature, which can impact the reputation and performance of the Remgro Group. Other issues are dealt with by the Management Board and/or the Investment Committee, or by senior management, as permitted in terms of a formal delegation of authority.

The Board is satisfied that its delegation of authority contributes to role clarity and the effective exercise of authority and responsibilities.

Management Board

The Management Board is a subcommittee of the Board that is mainly responsible for determining policies, monitoring and managing existing investments, identifying and recommending new investment opportunities and executing the decisions and strategy approved by the Board. The Management Board’s mandate is available here. During the year under review, the Board reviewed the Management Board’s mandate, in light of the principles and recommended practices of King IV.

The Management Board currently comprises six members, being all three executive directors on the Board as well as Messrs Pieter Louw, Raymond Ndlovu and Pieter Uys. The CEO is the chairman of the Management Board. The Management Board meets on a monthly basis to ensure the proper execution of its responsibilities. The effectiveness of the Management Board is evaluated on an annual basis by way of a self-evaluation process and an evaluation by the Board.

Investment Committee

The Investment Committee is a subcommittee of the Board that is responsible for considering and approving new investments, the extension and disposal of existing investments, and to consider and make recommendations to the Board regarding all other investments falling outside its mandate, which mandate is available on Remgro’s website. During the year under review, the Board reviewed the Investment Committee mandate, in light of the principles and recommended practices of King IV.

The Investment Committee comprises six members, being four non-executive directors as well as the CEO and CFO. The chairman of the Board is the chairman of the Investment Committee. The Investment Committee meets on an ad hoc basis. The effectiveness of the Investment Committee is evaluated on an annual basis by way of a self-evaluation process and an evaluation by the Board.

CEO and CFO roles

The CEO and the CFO are appointed by the Board on an annual basis and are ex officio members of the Board. The CEO, Mr Jannie Durand, is responsible for the day-to-day management of Remgro and he is assisted in this regard by Mr Neville Williams, the CFO of Remgro. Between them they have 48 years of service working for Remgro and Remgro-related businesses, and are both individuals with the necessary competence, character and authority, and are adequately resourced to fulfil their roles.

The CEO is responsible for leading the implementation and execution of approved strategy, policy and operational planning, and serves as the chief link between the Management Board and the Board. The CEO is accountable and reports to the Board, and the Board evaluates the CEO’s performance annually. The CEO takes up additional professional positions, the majority of which can be found here.

The Board has a succession plan, which is reviewed periodically, for the position of CEO and the remaining members of the Management Board, in order to ensure continuity of executive leadership.

Company Secretary

The appointment of the Company Secretary has been approved by the Board, and the Board is responsible for the removal of the Company Secretary. Ms Danielle Heynes is the Company Secretary of Remgro and is a full-time employee of Remgro.

The Company Secretary has unfettered access to the Board but is not a member of the Board. The Company Secretary is responsible for providing guidance to the Board collectively, and to the directors individually, with regards to their duties, responsibilities and powers and making them aware of legislation and regulations relevant to Remgro. All directors have unlimited access to the services of the Company Secretary. The Board is satisfied that the arrangements in place to access these services are effective.

The Company Secretary is furthermore responsible to ensure that proper corporate governance principles are adhered to and that Board orientation or training is given, when appropriate, based on annual performance evaluations. The Company Secretary ensures the proper administration of the proceedings and matters relating to the Board, Remgro and the shareholders of Remgro in accordance with applicable legislation and procedures.

The Company Secretary reports to the Board through the Chairman on all statutory duties and functions performed in connection with the Board. Regarding other duties and administrative matters, the Company Secretary reports to executive management.

The Board conducts an annual evaluation of the Company Secretary’s competence, qualifications and experience, as required by the JSE Listings Requirements. The evaluation process includes an assessment by each member of the Board of the Company Secretary’s eligibility, skills, knowledge and execution of duties. The Board is satisfied that the Company Secretary has the necessary competence, qualifications, experience, gravitas and objectivity to provide independent guidance and support at the highest level of decision-making in Remgro.